Minworth Junior and Infant School

Minworth Junior and Infant School

Welcome to

Minworth Junior and Infant School

  1. Information for parents
  2. Inclusion and SEND

SEND and Inclusion

At Minworth Junior and Infant School we are committed to providing an inclusive, supportive and nurturing environment where every child can thrive, regardless of their individual needs. We recognise that each child is unique and may require different levels of support to achieve their full potential.

Who are we?

The inclusion team at Minworth Junior and Infant School is Mrs Davies (SENDCo), Miss Jordan (Lead DSL), Mrs Miller (Learning Mentor), Mr Jones (Sport's Coach and Learning Mentor) and Miss Lal (Sport's Coach and Learning Mentor). They look after the inclusion needs of many of our children and families.

In addition, we have teaching assistants who work with children on small focus work and teaching who teach within the Key Stage Two Enhanced Provision.

Our Learning Mentors each have a specialist area.  Mrs Miller has an up to date Designated Safeguarding Lead training.  She is non-class based and works closely with children in small groups and on a one-to-one basis, focusing on their Speech, Language and Communication Needs.  Miss Lal specialises in occupational therapy by working with children on their physical, sensory, or cognitive needs.  As where Mr Jones specialises on outdoor learning.  He creates an active, experiential approach to learning, that involves being outdoors as a central part of the experience, which supports specific knowledge, skills, behaviours or attitudes in children.  Both support the whole school teaching of PE, and children's gross motor skills.  

What do we offer?

We provide a wide variety of support for our children. Our approach and provision is designed to identify, assess, and address the diverse needs of our pupils, ensuring they have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We work closely with children, parents, staff, and external agencies to provide tailored support that enables all our students to participate fully in school life and make the best possible progress.  We special educational needs support and advice as well as social and emotional support, for example, self-esteem and nurture groups. We pride ourselves in knowing our children and tailoring their support individually.  


Our SEND information report for 2024-2025 can be accessed by clicking here.  To access Birmingham City Council's Local Offer, please click here.  Our SEND Policy can be found here and the Accessibility Plan here.

Safeguarding and Early Help

Our families are very important to us! We can provide support or signpost you to another agency for a range of different issues; emotional support, parenting support, housing and financial help. We can also offer an Early Help assessment if you require support in different areas.

If we have a concern about a child, we will in most cases, discuss with parents and carers first. Sometimes we contact children's services without consent from their carers if we feel that to do so, would put a child at risk of significant harm. Please see our safeguarding policy for more information.

Mental Health

We have worked closely with Forward Thinking Birmingham on mental health issues. If you are worried about your child's mental health, then talk to us, or try the Pause drop in centre in Digbeth.

 Who do we work with?

We work with many different agencies in order to provide a range of support:

  • Birmingham Children’s Services
  • Forward Thinking Birmingham
  • Secondary schools
  • NSPCC 
  • Save the Children
  • Local Police Team 
  • Local Children’s Centres
  • The Early Years Support Network
  • Compass Support
  • Headstart
  • Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid
  • School Nurse Team.

Getting in touch

If you would like to book an appointment with the Inclusion Team to discuss a concern, please call the school office or email them at enquires@minworth.bham.sch.uk

For access to parental webinars, please click here.

Click here for CAT PAC Parent Awareness Course for parents with an Autistic child.

The Team

Miss Jordan

Deputy Head Teacher and Lead DSL

Mrs Davies


Mrs Miller

Learning Mentor and DSL

Mr Jones

Learning Mentor and Sport Coach

Miss Lal

Learning Mentor and Sport Coach