Pupil Admissions
"Hi. If you are looking at this page, that likely means that you are considering seeking a place for your child to start with us either in Reception as part of the next September cohort or as an in year admission in another year group. In addition to our published school visits below, we routinely endeavour to offer prospective new parents a tour of the school arranged and agreed with the school office. Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 351 1345 to discuss visits to the school or contact us at the email address at the bottom of this page regarding any specific questions you may have. Either myself, or a member of my leadership team, will endeavour to respond promptly."
Miss Kelly Lickley - Head teacher.
Minworth is a popular, caring one-form entry school. Each year group has a pupil admission number of 30, meaning that there are 30 children per year group. A year group may exceed this number if a parent has been successful in an appeal for a school place or the Local Authority has instructed a pupil to attend the school. The vast majority of children admitted to Minworth do so at the beginning Reception, the year they become of compulsory school age. Applications for places for children approaching this age are made through the Local Authority, more details about this can be found by visiting http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/schooladmissions. Parents applying for a place for their child with one or more older siblings already in the school should clearly state their name and date of birth on the application work.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) How many children do we have?
We offer 30 places for each school year group meaning we can accommodate 210 children in total. Currently, we are full, with waiting lists, in all year groups with the exception of the current year 2 and year 3.
2) How wide is our catchment area?
This is difficult to answer truthfully because our popularity has seen us grow in terms of pupil numbers in the last few years meaning that some children travel here from several miles away. The best chance to secure a place in the 'next' Reception cohort is ensure that Minworth is recorded as your first preference.
3) How do I obtain a place for a child not in Reception, i.e. for a family new to the area?
Please contact the school office on 0121 3511345 and a member of our admin team will take your details and give an indication as to whether there are any places available in that year group or inform how many children are on the waiting list. For families who are waiting for a place in school, the school office will record the distance from the family home to school and offer an available place to the closest family.
4) How do I visit school?
We have an open morning, afternoon and evening for parents interested in joining Reception. Any other visits are arranged separately and can be done via the school office or email.
5) Do you have a before and after school club?
Yes, the extended wrap around care is called The Zone. It is open from 7.30am and closes at 5.45pm. The club is ran by school staff and operates out of the school hall. In addition the Sports Coaches run morning and afternoon clubs. Please look at each section of the website for further information.
6) What will my child learn?
Over the years we have revised our curriculum to ensure every subject is progressive, both in the content knowledge and skill application, as well as being enjoyable. Each year group builds upon the next so our children are prepared for the next chapter of their academic career. Please look at the curriculum section of the website to discover more.
7) Do you have a nursery?
Unfortunately we don't. However, we have strong links with local nurseries and the EYFS Network team.
8) Can my child start school when they are 5?
If you do not think your child is ready to start school the September before they are 5, they can start later. For example, if your child only turns 4 in August, you might decide to wait before sending them to school. But they must be in full-time education by the time they reach compulsory school age. Compulsory school age is the 31st December, 31st March or 31st August following their fifth birthday - whichever comes first. If your child’s fifth birthday is on one of those dates then they reach compulsory school age on that date. For example, if your child reaches compulsory school age on 31 March, they must start full-time education at the beginning of the next term (summer term that year).
If your child starts school in the September, after they turn 5, your child will go into Year 1. If you want your child to start in Reception instead you must contact the Local Authority, however they do not have to agree.
Please be aware that most children start Reception when they turn 4 so they are school ready and well prepared to start the National Curriculum in Year 1. Furthermore, parents have more choice in which school their child will attend. Infant (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) classes each have a pupil admission number of 30.
9) Can my child go on school trips?
Absolutely! We have a school minibus and children are frequently out representing school in sporting events, school council meetings, network opportunities, local visits or school trips.
Further information can be read in the school Admission Policy on the website.