Minworth Junior and Infant School

Minworth Junior and Infant School

Welcome to

Minworth Junior and Infant School

  1. Curriculum

Our curriculum is built around fulfilling the Minworth Pledge. 

Over the curriculum section, you will be able to learn more around the Curriculum Intent and Implementation, how each subject is structured as well the sequential approach to each year group and subject. 

 The school leaders routinely review the Curriculum Offer to ensure it remains ambitious, current, engaging and progressive. The following are questions leaders robustly discuss.  Detailed answers to the questions may be downloaded here.

What is the body of knowledge and skills that will form the extent of the curriculum?

The curriculum is routinely reviewed and evaluated with the Curriculum Cycle to ensure it is relevant and ambitious.  Leaders stay abreast of new research, studies and trials to ensure the children of Minworth receive the 'best' education they can.  

How is the curriculum be designed, organised and delivered?

All of the subjects are taught as standalone subjects.   Each subject is recognised and identified as an individual discipline with its own progressive knowledge, skills and associated vocabulary.   A detailed breakdown can be read on the curriculum pages. 

How do we ensure curriculum and skills progression?

Knowledge and skills progression grids are established for all subjects detailing age related expectations and can be found of the curriculum page.

How do we ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all groups of pupils within the school?

All lessons are designed and planned to challenge all children, by not having a cap on the learning.  The barriers to achievement are explored and analysed, and tackled as part of the school’s pupil premium strategy.

How do we monitor and know the quality of teaching and learning within the curriculum?

Monitoring is a key component of our work to ensure we achieve vision in ensuring that our children be the best they can be, reaching their academic potential and leaving us as happy, responsible young citizens, equipped to succeed and contribute positively to the next stage of their journey and beyond.

How do we assess the impact of the curriculum on our pupils?

Assessment plays an integral role in our curriculum and is used to rigorously monitor and track the progress children are making.  The assessment page provides an abundance of information. 

Who is responsible for the curriculum, its review and evaluation, and its impact?

The Senior Leadership Team retains ultimate responsibility for ensuring the curriculum is successful in meeting the school’s vision and expectations and ensuring it has the desired impact on children.